Pre crop report - Canadian wild cranberries

Following our 2022 season record-breaking yield, growers experienced unfavourable weather conditions as it was too warm in December 2022, thus preventing proper icing of the fields, which is required to protect the cranberries during winter.
Growers note that defoliation is above normal levels, which could be a consequence of the exceptional yields of 2022 crop. Experts agree that it would be remarkable to have two above-average yields for two years in a row, as plants have been somewhat depleted.
Flowering is set to occur around June 13-18, and pollinators which are currently hard at work at our wild blueberry fields will arrive just in time for this essential task.
Your Emblem team is always looking to grow its volume, so we are pleased to share pictures of brand new cranberry fields which are truly pampered during this critical development phase of growing roots which takes about 2-3 weeks.