Fruit Market Report - June 2022

Cultivated Blackberry
New crop in Serbia is end July/August so too early to say with certainty the crop, however at the moment it looks ok.
Last season saw prices higher than I've ever seen, with volume going to USA. However , the market over the last few months has been quiet and prices have dropped a bit although its difficult to gauge real prices as market slow. Still some stock from last year in Serbia.
My estimate is that the price will still be higher than 2 years ago , but for sure lower than last if no crop disaster with prices perhaps around or below £ 3/kg.
Another fruit that was at very high prices last year due to low stocks, high demand from juice companies and perhaps most importantly less blackcurrant grown due to low prices for the previous years.
Main crop in Europe is Poland and this starts in July so no actual prices, however as no stock remaining from last year expect prices to remain high , my guess above £ 2/kg.
UK also produces quite a lot of blackcurrant predominantly contracted for the Ribena brand, however sometimes a limited volume becomes available for IQF , in most years its more expensive than Poland , however lets see this crop.
Prices last year hit levels not seen previously and kept going up ! A shorter crop in Serbia and Poland mainly to blame and demand to fill gap in the US market.
After Christmas the market slowed somewhat, however prices didnt really fall.
The new season has started in Serbia and by all reports it looks good however prices for fresh incredibly high. There are clear signs at the moment that customers are unwilling to pay at these levels, so what will give ?
Poland 1st crop just starting and the growers are already talking high prices, knowing what Serbia is doing at the moment. A meeting at the end of last week in Poland between the big IQF processors and some grower groups tried to give some meaning to things, as if prices stay at the levels being talked about it could be that more raspberry lines are discontinued or recipes reformulated as the price is simple too high !
Poland should have plenty of pickers this season due to displacement of Ukrainian people across the border.
As it stands prices for IQF would be in the región of IQF Whole £ 5.50 - £ 6/kg and crumble £ 5 - 5.50/kg.
Expectations were that prices in Poland would be similar to last year, however that has not been the case. Season more or less finished and the crop lower.
Its worth noting that in recent years some Polish IQF processors have been buying Egyptian, Moroccan and Turkish product to supplement their own Polish product and potentially give some price advantange !
As of Friday some Polish IQF processors had withdrawn offers/ not offering until they knew they had enough stock to meet existing orders. Prices definitely over £ 2/kg as it stands for most specs, difficult to know if now stabilised and the max market level found. Also some differences in raw material prices between regions in Poland dependant on demand between factories.
Many companies around the world buying Egyptian over the last few years due to pricing, however no or limited stock now until new season early 2023.